On February 11, 2009, the Science and Technology Committee received testimony on draft legislation entitled “The Electronic Waste Research and Development Act of 2009.” Witnesses will provide their comments on, and suggestions to, the bill. They will also discuss ways in which research and development (R&D) can help address the challenge of managing the disposal of electronics products in the United States. Five witnesses, representing perspectives from academia, a non-profit, electronics producers, and electronics recyclers, will offer testimony.
Witnesses included (from left to right) Dr. Valerie Thomas, Dr. Paul Anastas, Mr. Philip Bond, Mr. Jeff Omelchuck, and Mr. Willie Cade.
Willie Cade, owner of PCRR, participated as an expert witness for the Science and Technology Committee in Washington. The witnesses provided their comments on, and suggestions to The Electronic Waste Research and Development Act of 2009.